We are all asked about our work. What are you up to? Where have you been playing? How is Lark? (okay that one happens to four select players!) Fortunately, when we love what we do, we are more than happy to talk about our work. But sometimes I find that talking about my work requires me to make a mental transition, trying to remember the last concert I played, when I’m focused on looking to the next. It’s not that it’s not important or that I forget! It’s that life moves us forward, and talking about what we’ve been doing often requires looking backwards.
Embracing the New Year we look back, reflect, and then plan our forward motion. This year, Lark plans ahead while looking back at almost 30 years of the quartet’s history. Many wonderful musicians, recordings and commissions keep this history alive. And so this year, as we plan for 2015-16, the Lark Quartet is looking both backwards and forwards. The beauty of a special project like this is that it can consume us for months, sometimes years, and we’ll always have something to talk about! Lark is commissioning a number of composers for our 30th anniversary season, which means lots of listening – a real joy and something I’m always happy to more of. There will be much more to tell in the coming months.
For me, this project is providing a transition out of being engrossed in the every day, the minute, the hour, in the life of caring for a newborn. Audrey is now 7 weeks old (tomorrow) and quickly will become not a newborn! I have loved not planning ahead, not looking back, but truly living in the moment. I have both loved it, and also missed being connected to my other kind of “create”-ivity. I tiptoed back into teaching when she was a week old (with her along), took some time off and then dove in when she was 4 weeks old. Now, hearing all this great music, playing in lessons and discussing music, expression, ideals, chamber music, sound, ensemble, I am ready to dive back into my own experience of that - and not just teach it. I’m looking forward! And speaking of “work” again, too…
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